“Japanese Law” for the Biosafety
What is the Cartagena Act?

Act on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity through Regulations on the Use of LMOs.

 Cartagena Act is the law that regulates the use of LMOs, to ensure the precise and smooth implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on the Biosafety to Convention on Biological Diversity. This act provides for rules to assess the effect of LMOs on biological diversity in advance and also the way to appropriately use LMOs.
 The Cartagena Act separates uses into two types and uses different approaches for evaluating each type.


 For the remainder, the act provides the systems which examine import of non-approved LMOs, and the ways to provide the information to partners in exports.

History of the Cartagena Protocol

■International Movement

December  1993 Convention on Biological Diversity enters into force

November  1995 Second Conference of the Parties
          (Decide to start the negotiation to develop protocol on biosafety)

January     2000 Adoption of Cartagena Protocol

September 2003 Cartagena Protocol enters into force

■Movement in Japan

February    2004 Cartagena Act becomes effective and the Cartagena Protocol enters           into force in Japan.

*The Cartagena Protocol is named after the location of the Conference of the Parties which was held in Cartagena, Colombia, where the protocol was discussed in 1999.