Background and objectives
At the G8+5 environmental ministers meeting at Kobe in 2008, the Government of Japan announced its commitment for the implementation of a "Kobe Call for Action for Biodiversity".
In that respect, the Japanese government is "to hold a global forum, "Kobe Biodiversity Dialogue" in order to promote information exchange, dialogue, discussion, and collaboration among various stakeholders including governments, business sector, NGOs, researchers, and international organizations."
The objective of this dialogue was to facilitate international biodiversity-related discussions on key issues in the agenda of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s 10th Conference of the Parties to be held in the city of Nagoya, Japan, in October 2010.- The Kobe Dialogue took place just one- year before the CBD COP10 and it also aimed to feed its results to the ongoing international discussions leading up to COP10, including the Third Business & the 2010 Biodiversity Challenge Conference, the Second DIVERSITAS Open Science Conference, the post 2010 target global and regional consultation meetings, the UNFCCC COP15, the Trondheim Biodiversity Conference, the UNEP Governing Council & GMEF Special Session, the CBD SBSTTA14 and WGRI3, and the UNGA special session on Biodiversity, among others.
- Name:
- Kobe Biodiversity Dialogue in 2009
- Hosts
Hosted by: |
Ministry of the Environment of Japan |
Co- hosted by: |
Nippon Keidanren Committee on Nature Conservation |
In cooperation with: |
The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)
Hyogo Prefecture
Kobe City
Aichi-Nagoya COP10 CBD Promotion Committee
Sponsored by: |
Japan Airlines |
- Date:
- Thursday, 15 October, 2009 through Friday, 16 October, 2009
- Venue:
- Hotel Okura Kobe
- Language:
- Japanese, English (Simultaneous interpretation)
Day1: 15 Oct 2009
- 09:00-09:30
- Welcome remarks
Host: |
Mr. Issei Tajima, Senior Vice-Minister of the Environment, Japanese Government |
Co-host: |
Mr. Masaki Mashita, Advisor, Nippon Keidanren Committee on Nature Conservation |
Guest: |
Mr. Toshizo Ido, Governor of Hyogo Prefecture |
- 09:30-10:30
- Keynote Speech
- 10:30-10:45
- Break
- 10:45-13:00
- Panel Discussion 1-1: Progress and Challenges of Private Sector Engagement
Through the adoption of a decision on private sector engagement at the Conference of the Parties for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD-COP8), progress has been made on private sector’ efforts on biodiversity globally. In this session, examples on declarations, guidelines, initiatives, and tools related to biodiversity will be introduced and future challenges will be discussed.
Facilitator: Prof. Shiro Wakui, Tohin University
Presentations (15 min. each):
- "Business and Biodiversity Initiative"
Mr. Edgar Endrukaitis, Federal Ministry for the Environment/GTZ, Germany.
- "Guidelines for Private Sector Engagement in Biodiversity
-for voluntary actions for conservation of biodiversity and its sustainable use by private entities-"
Mr. Toshio Torii, Global Biodiversity Strategy Office, Biodiversity Policy Division, Nature Conservation Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Japan
- "Nippon Keidanren’s Program to Address Biodiversity"
Mr. Toru Nishizutsumi, Nippon Keidanren Committee on Nature Conservation, Japan
- "Ecosystems and Business-Business response and action"
Ms. Ayako Kohno, CSR Office, Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd., Japan (Also representing World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Ecosystems Focus Area Core Team (FACT))
- "Biodiversity Initiative for Lake Biwa"
Ms. Reina Kikuchi, Study Group on Business and Biodiversity, Shiga Committee for Economic Development
Panel discussion (60 min.)
- 13:30-14:30
- Lunch
- 14:30-16:45
- Panel Discussion 1-2: Business and Biodiversity Perspective
In this session, examples in different industry sector on biodiversity will be introduced and discussion will be made on future challenges on business and biodiversity.
Facilitator: Dr. Joshua Bishop, Chief Economist, IUCN
Presentations (15 min. each):
- " Business and Biodiversity: Risks and opportunities"
Dr. Joshua Bishop, Chief Economist, IUCN, Switzerland
- "Kobe Business and Biodiversity Dialogue"
Mr. Sachin Kapila, Group Biodiversity Adviser, Royal Dutch Shell, London
- "Thankful for "gifts of nature"! -Efforts to environment by Asahi Breweries Group-"
Mr. Yoshinobu Takeda, General Manager, Social & Environmental Management Department, Asahi Breweries, Ltd.
- "The strategies of Sumitomo Trust for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (BES) The Role of the Financial Sector for BES"
Mr. Tsukasa Kanai, Head office executive, Corporate Social Responsibility Office, Corporate Planning Department, The Sumitomo Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.
- "Building New Biodiversity Business Models: Investing in Habitats and Ecosystem Services"
Ms. Marisa Meizlish, Director, New Forests Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia
Panel discussion (60 min.)
- 16:45-17:15
- Break
- 17:15-18:15
- Summary of Day 1
Chair: Prof. Shiro Wakui, Tohin University
Dr. Joshua Bishop, Chief Economist, IUCN, Switzerland
- 19:00- 21:00
- Reception
Day 2: 16 Oct 2009
- 9:00- 11:30
- Panel discussion 2-1: Challenges and Perspectives for Revision of the Strategic Plan (Shaping Scope of a Post 2010 Target Framework)
One of the main issues to be discussed at the CBD-COP10 is evaluation and revision of the current strategic plan (post 2010 target framework). In this session, various opinions and views will be exchanged on the post 2010 target framework setting.
Facilitator: Dr. Jeff McNeely, Senior Science Advisor, IUCN
Presentations (15 min. each):
- "Summary of the Previous Day's Discussion and Issues for Today"
Dr. Jeffrey A. McNeely, Senior Science Advisor at IUCN
- "Kobe Call for Action for Biodiversity Beyond the Post 2010 target-a new framework for Biodiversity Conservation"
Dr. Jane Smart, Director, Biodiversity Conservation Group, IUCN, Switzerland
- "Initial Findings and Recommendations from TEEB
(The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity)"
Dr. Joshua Bishop, Chief economist, IUCN, Switzerland
- "Japan's Efforts toward formulating the post 2010 targets"
Mr. Toshio Torii, Director, Global Biodiversity Strategy Office, Nature Conservation Bureau, Ministry of the Environment of Japan
- "Experiences and Proposals for Post 2010 Biodiversity Indicators"
Dr. Matt Walpole, United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC),UK
- "Recommendation for Post 2010 Biodiversity Target from Civil Society Sectors"
Prof. Masahito Yoshida, Chair, Japan Committee for IUCN and Co-chair, Japan Civil Society Network for CBD
Panel discussion (60 min.)
- 11:30-13:00
- Lunch
- 13:00- 15:15
- Panel discussion 2-2: How to Implement the New Strategic Plan (Post 2010 Target)?
In this session, various opinions and views will be exchanged on the post 2010 target framework implementation and achievement.
Facilitator: Mr. Nobutoshi Akao, former IUCN Regional Councilor
Presentations (15 min. each):
- "Beyond 2010: Protected Areas' Contribution to Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Alleviation"
Ms. Christy Nozawa, Birdlife International (Asia)/ IUCN-WCPA Vice-chair At-large
- "The Satoyama Initiative"
Mr. Yoshihiro Natori, Senior Research Fellow, United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS)
- "Achieving Sustainable Biodiversity Conservation"
Dr. Mark Zimsky, Senior Biodiversity Specialist, Biodiversity Focal Area Coordinator, Regional Program Manager - Latin America and the Caribbean, Global Environmental Facility
- "International Monitoring of Biodiversity"
Prof. Yoshihisa Shiroyama, Field Science Education and Research Center, Kyoto University
- "Regional Development and Lifelong Learning –The Challenge in Hyogo"
Dr. Isao Nakase, Graduate School of Landscape Design and Management, Univ. of Hyogo, Japan Museum of Nature and Human Activities
Panel discussion (60 min.)
- 15:15-15:45
- Break
- 15:45-16:45
- Summary of Day 2
Chair: Mr. Nobutoshi Akao, former IUCN Regional Councilor
Dr. Jeff McNeely, Senior Science Advisor, IUCN
- 16:45-17:00
- Break
- 17:00-17:30
- Closing
- Chair’s summary of the conference
- Closing remarks
- Mr. Hideo Kajimoto, Vice-Mayor, City of Kobe, Japan
- Mr. Masaki Suzuki, Director-General, Nature Conservation Bureau,
Ministry of the Environment, Japanese Government
*Panel exhibition was held in a separate room to display initiatives conducted by local governments,
private sector and citizens