
生物多様性条約第10回締約国会議(COP10) カルタヘナ議定書第5回締約国会議(COP-MOP5) 日本政府公式ウェブサイト


ホーム > その他:ロゴ/スローガンについて(英)

1. Regarding the COP10/COP-MOP5 Logo and Slogan

The Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity meets roughly once every two years, and the 10th meeting (COP10) will take place in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan in October 2010.

As the host country of the meeting, the government of Japan was requested to prepare the logo and slogan in accordance with the meeting theme. Based on the COP10 common theme1, which was set in March 2009 by a council of all the ministries and agencies concerned with the holding of the COP10/COP-MOP5 meeting in Japan, the Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan requested experts to prepare proposals which they drafted considering the opinions of the secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and this council, and the final decision was made by the Minister of the Environment of Japan.

Note 1: COP10 Common Theme
Toward the Harmony of Humans and Nature: With awareness of the critical conditions of biodiversity loss, to find ways which indivisuals can carry out and immediately move into action so as to foster the affluence of nature worldwide, including areas of human activity, and to maximize the gifts of nature.


Logo Concept

The logo illustrates the harmony of humanity and diverse living beings, with a figure of parent and child at the center of a circle of origami 2 plants and animals. The parent and child express the desire to pass on abundant biodiversity to future generations. The origami symbolizes the wisdom and culture of Japan.

Note 2: Japanese traditional art of paper folding.

At COP10, representatives from more than 190 countries and regions worldwide will evaluate the achievement of the 2010 biodiversity target adopted at the 2002 COP 6 meeting "to achieve by 2010 a significant reduction of the current rate of biodiversity loss at the global, regional and national level as a contribution to poverty alleviation and to the benefit of all life on Earth" and hold discussions on setting subsequent targets, revising the Strategic Plan, otherwise determining the future direction for the Convention on Biological Diversity, and forming international rules. The logo arrangement of diverse origami into a circle also signifies that as the host country of COP10/COP-MOP5, which is expected to draw nearly 10,000 people from Japan and overseas, Japan will preside at the meeting with Japanese sensibility while giving consideration to the conditions in each country.


Life in harmony, into the future

Slogan Concept

The slogan corresponds to the COP10/COP-MOP5 logo, and portrays the harmony of all living beings, including humanity, into the future

It expresses our determination to pass on affluent biodiversity on Earth to future generations based on the COP10 common theme.

2. Use Rules

Parties who want to use the logo and slogan must submit a Logo and Slogan Use Notification Form in advance, or submit a Logo and Slogan Use Application Form in advance and receive approval.

(1) COP10/COP-MOP5 Logo and/or Slogan Use Rules

(2) Submission of Notification Forms and Application Forms

Fill out the necessary items on the prescribed forms and send them to the following address, or send the PDF files to the following email address.

Global Biodiversity Strategy Office, Biodiversity Policy Division, Nature Conservation Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8975, Japan
Email address:

* Write "Logo and Slogan Notification Form Enclosed" or "Logo and Slogan Application Form Enclosed" in red ink on the envelope, or as the subject of the emails.
* Please note that submitted forms, documents and materials will not be returned.

3. Data File

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