About Business for GBF Project
The initiative to raise awareness about the importance of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity widely among various stakeholders, including the national and local governments, business operators, NPOs, NGOs, and the general public, and to ensure that the awareness is reflected in those stakeholders' respective behavior is known as the "streamlining of biodiversity." Through their business activities, business operators impose a burden on diversity by causing changes in the use of land, emitting pollutants, and introducing non-native species of living organisms, for example, while using the benefits of biodiversity as raw materials and providing products and services processed from the raw materials for distribution to users. As their activities significantly depend on and affect biodiversity, business operators are required to make active efforts to contribute to the reduction of the burden on and conservation of biodiversity.
In November 2020, the Ministry of the Environment and the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren) launched the Business for GBF project. Japanese companies contribute to the conservation of biodiversity through their business activities. Many companies possess technologies, products, and services that contribute to the achievement of the targets under the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Through the Business for GBF project, Japanese companies' excellent biodiversity-related activities as exemplified by those technologies, products and services will be strategically demonstrated domestically and internationally.