ANA LYSIS OF SURVEY ON "MOBA"               

       Yasutsugu Yokohama* and Keiko Aioi**



  It is well known that ″moba"(algal beds and sea‐grass beds)is important in the coastal ecosystems. However,disappearance of ″moba″is eminent in the recent phenomena of the coastal ecosystems,and the cause is not clarified.An effective countermeasure has not been worked out,although it is urgent.The present situation of vanishing should be seized at first.In this survey the areas of existing ″moba″were estimated in each prefectural area from 1989 to 1991 and extinct area of ″moba″during 13 years from 1978 to 1991.According to the analytical estimation of ″moba″,the cause of desappearance could be clear up.

  The total area of゛moba″on the coasts of Japan is 201,212ha in 1991.Extinct areas of ″moba″was 6,403ha from 1978 to 1991.Seventy percent of the extinct area is occupied by the 10 localities.The biggest area was in Amakusa‐nada(western side of Kyushu),which occupied 14.8% of the extinct total area.The 2nd was Akita(11.8%)and the 3rd was Hyuga‐nada (eastern side of Kyushu:6.8%).

  The types of extinct ″moba″were classified into the following four types,Sargassum bed(22.2%),seagrass bed(19.9%),Eisenia bed(16.2%),Undaria bed(14.9%).Dominant types of ゛moba″were different in each locality.for example,seagrass beds occupied 100% of extinct ″moba″in Mutsu Bay and seagrass and Sargassum beds did 50%respectively in Ariake-kai (western side of Kyushu).

 The causes were reformation of the coasts such as reclamation(28.1%),global die off so‐called ゛isoyake″(14.7%),change of sea circumstances(16.2%)and indistinctness(40.6%).The present situation of ″moba″ habitats is quite serious,because most of the disappearing area has been damaged and destroyed during human activities, mostly reclamation.The conservation of ″moba″as an important coastal ecosystem is urgently required.

* Shimoda Marine Research Center,University of Tsukuba

**Ocean Research Institute,University of Tokyo


