




  The Japanese Archipelago has, relative to its size, very long coastal lines which are very variable, and its biosphere is closely related to the marine environment. The marine area is an important habitat for many living organisms, and is also an important area for human life. Despite this importance, the development of urban areas and industrial sites has been concentrated in coastal areas, especially in recent years, and problems in nature conservation are also acute in these areas.

   Here, alteration of the natural environment and the distribution of organisms in coastal areas are summarized. The present state of alteration of coastal lines, distribution of tidal beaches, algal communities and coral reefs, living organisms of the tidal zone, and a record of the occurrence of red tide are included in this chapter.












(米倉 伸之)

General Description

   The coastline of the Japanese Archipelago is very rugged and complex with many bays and capes, and its total length amounts to about 32,000 kilometers. The coastline of the Pacific side is complicated with many bays and peninsulas, while the Japan Sea side is rather monotonous.

   Sand beaches develop generally near estuaries, but many are found also inside bays like those of Tokyo, Ise, and Osaka, on the Pacific side. On the Japan Sea side, many sand beaches are found in the northern parts and some of them have sand dunes. Sand dunes develop where much sand is supplied by large rivers. On the Japan Sea side, which is exposed to strong winds from the northwest continuously during the wintertime, sand dunes develop on many coasts. Rocky coasts are usual on peninsulas and capes, and small bays lie between capes. There are many volcanic islands like the Izu and Tokara Islands where volcanos themselves or their ejecta form the seacoasts. In the Ryukyu Archipelago coral reefs develop.

Alteration of Seacoast

   However, many parts of the coastline have been altered by man and only about 60 per cent of them retain their natural landscape. Recent rapid industrial growth has resulted in the concentration of population in coastal plains and in the development of seaside industrial areas with port facilities. New roads and railroads have also been constructed along seacoasts. These developmental works have altered 40 per cent of the Japanese coastline, of which 27 per cent is artificial constructions like embankments and the other 13 per cent is semi-natural coasts with alteration by man in one way or another. Alteration of seacoast by man, like land reclamation, is accompanied by a rapid decrease of tidal beaches. With progress of exploitation in coastal areas, expanision of the land areas below sea level and progress of erosion of seacoasts due to sinking of ground took place. These increased in turn susceptibility to the hazards from surf, high tides, and tidal waves. It is said that many construction works on seacoasts are repairs of or countermeasures against these calamities.

   Under natural conditions, it is proble that the coastline advances by the large supply of sands from mountains and hills. In fact, most of the coastal plains in Japan were formed in this way, during the past six thousand years. However, after World War U, erosion of the seacoast began to appear near estuaries of large eivers. This is not a natural outcome but mostly a consequence of human activities. The reasons for this erosion, are decrease of the supply of sand due to construction of dams and reservoirs and to collection of sand and gravels from river beds, and the disturbance of coastal currents which carry drifting sands due to a variety of constructions along or off the shore including embankments, moles, drainage canals, etc. As countermeasures against this kind of erosion for human safety and conservation of landscape, in turn, a variety of constructions are being done, such as coastal embankments, dikes, jetties, etc. Breakwaters and moles are constructed on bays and inlets against high tides and tidal waves.

(Nobuyuki Yonekura)

