




   Inland waters contain freshwater ecosystems, which reflect such features of the river systems as landscape, geology, and land use. With their rich diversity of flora and fauna and high productivity, these waters compose an important element of the natural environment. However, rivers and lakes have been the sites of human activities since prehistoric time, and the freshwater ecosystmes are very susceptible to the modifications for control and utilization of water and to the influence of industrial activities.

   Here is summarized the present state of alteration by man of the natural environment of inland waters and the distribution of living organisms in them. In addition to general descriptions of Japanese rivers and lakes, the degree of alteration by man, and the distribution of freshwater fishes are also described. The natural environments of the Tama River and Lake Biwa, which are representative waters of Japan and subjected greatly to human influence, are given as examples.













 日本の湖は、中部地方以北と南九州に多く、近畿・中国・四国地方にはきわめて少ない。日本の湖の成因はさまざまであるが、代表的なものをいくつか述べよう。第一は火山活動に関連したもので、カルデラ湖、火山湖、せき止め湖などがある。カルデラ湖のなかでは屈斜路湖がもっとも大きく(79.7km2 )、田沢湖がもっとも深い(425m)。第二は湖盆の形成が地殻変動に由来するもので、構造湖とよばれる。日本最大の琵琶湖(673.8km2)は、古い構造盆地に起源をもつ湖である。海岸付近の潟(潟湖〉は、かつての海域が砂州により海とへだてられたもので、海水が混入していれば汽水湖といい、北海道・本州の日本海側に多い。第四は人間を含めた生物活動によるもので、溜池や貯水池のような人造湖、泥炭地の池溏などがある。日本の湖沼は、干拓や埋めたてで、湖面や容積が減少しつつある。


Characteristics of Rivers

   River are much shorter and smaller in Japan than those on the continents. Even the widest part of the Japanese Archipelago has a width of less than 300 kilometers, and mountain ranges run along the long axis of the Archipelago in the central parts of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu. Rivers run from these mountain ranges into the Japan Sea, the Okhotsk Sea, and the Pacific Ocean. As two thirds of the land area of Japan is mountainous, these rivers are not only short but have a steep incline and make torrents and rapids.

   Located between the Asian Continent and the Northwestern Pacific Ocean, the Japanese climate is warm and moist. Annual precipitation is very abundant because of heavy rains brought by the Baiu front and typhoons and heavy snowfall carried by northwest winds in the wintertime. As the result of this heavy precipitation, rivers have ample water and the flow fluctuates widely by season and year. The maximum flow appears when snow melts in the spring and during the Baiu and typhoon seasons in the summer through autumn, but local variation is also great. Rivers running into the Okhotsk Sea and the Japan Sea in northern Japan have the main peak of flow in spring and a second peak in the summer through autumn. However, rivers in western Japan have only a single peak of flow in summer through autumn. The wide fluctuation of flow brings about difficulties in flood control and water utilization. The ratio of the maximum to the minimum flow of Japanese rivers is much larger than in the other parts of the world, and the flow is very unstable. The reason for this is the large precipitation and large maximum flow relative to the catchment area.

   Another feature of Japanese rivers is in the quantity of materials carried by them, on account of topographic, climatic, and hydrological characteristics of Japan. Large amounts of mud, silt, and sand are produced by erosion on the upstream hillsides and carried down by torrents after rainstorms. The torrents pile up the foot of hills with them and form alluvial fans, and fill in valleys and plains. Man-made lakes and reservoirs are rapidly filled up by sand and silt carried by rivers. Downstream riverbeds consist mostly of fine-grained substances such as sand and silt, and deltas are formed in estuary areas, but some rivers bring rough-grained materials like gravels down to the estuary area and form alluvial fans on the coast. Typical examples are found in the Hokuriku and Tokai Regions.

   Except when flooding, river water contains little floating substance and is clear and clean. Because of ample and rapid flow, the concentration of dissolved inorganic substances is low. A low concentration of calcium due to the low calcium content of rocks and soils and a high silica content due to volcanos are also among the features of Japanese river water.

   On account of high population density and intensive land use, there are no rivers without alteration by man or basins without any human influence. Improvement of rivers have been carried out on a large scale, and continuous high dikes have been built along middle to downstream of many rivers. Canals to correct the curves have been excavated in straight lines on meandering rivers, and drainage canals have been constructed. The building of erosion control dams and large reservoirs upstream, and the collection of sand and gravels from river beds downstream have resulted in a decrease of supply of sand and gravels to the estuaries and caused coastal erosion there. Urbanization and industrialization have produced marked changes in rivers, such as degradation of water quality and deterioration of the environment.

Characteristics of Lakes

   There are many lakes in northern Japan and southern Kyushu, but very few in western Honshu and Shikoku. Lakes in Japan have many different origins, but can be grouped roughly. One group is those of volcanic origins including calderas, craters, and those dammed by ejecta. The largest cardera lake is Lake Kussharo (79.7 sq. km), and the deepest is Lake Tazawa (425 m). The second group is structural lakes, to which belogs Lake Biwa, the largest in Japan (673.8 sq. km). These are found on the Japan Sea side of Honshu and in Hokkaido. Another group has originated from biological activities including human works. Man-made lakes like reservoirs and natural ponds in peat bogs belong to this group. The surface area and volume of lakes in Japan are decreasing due to reclamation by drainage and natural filling up.

(Nobuyuki Yonekura)

