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   Japan is noted for the diversity of its insect fauna. How many insect species can be found there, has never been answered with certainty. It was about 200 hundred years ago that Carl von Linne started the naming of living organisms, and only about one hundred years have elapsed since Japan opened its gates to modern biological science. This means that Japanese systematic biology still remains somewhat behind that of western countries.

   However, we may attempt to estimate roughly the number of insect species found in Japan. In 1945 Kloet and Hincks published a book in which all the known British insects were listed, about 20,000 species. There may be some subsequent additions to the exact number, but we can compare the species number between the two countries with well-surveyed insect groups. Today, 58 species of butterflies and 43 species of dragonflies are known from the British islands, and 225 and 189 from the Japanese islands. From this ratio we can roughly estimate that Japan has four or five times more insect species than Britain.

   Phyletic Classification of Insects We regret we have no complete list of Japanese insects which might reach about 100,000, and probably only about 10,000 species have been illustrated in books published in Japan.

   We have a considerable number of very interesting and important insect species from the systematic point of view. They are a number of strictly endemic Japanese species and endemic, but commoner, East Asiatic species.

   As an example of the former category we can mention Epiophlebiid dragonflies, a relic insect group represented by one species in Japan and another species in the Himalayas. Another archaic dragonfly, Tanypteryx pryeri, is a member of ten species surviving in the circum-Pacific area. A most primitive Orthopterous insect group, the Grylloblattodea, the representatives of which are subterranean, are found in Rocky Mountains and several scattered areas in the Far East, i.e., South Ussuri, Korea, and the four large islands of Japan. These three groups of insects are recognized as the survivers (relics) from past ages.

   As examples of widely ranging East Asiatic insects it is not appropriate to mention Papilio xuthus or Pieris rapae, but we may mention Sasakia charonda, two Luehdorfia species (L. japonica and L. puziloi), Lethocerus deyrolli, together with Terpnosia vacua, and Luciola cruciata. These six Asiatic species have common or very close kin in continental Asia. Nannophya pygmaea is a tropical species extending from Southeast Asia to Japan, and its northernmost habitat is the northern end of the mainland of Japan.

   The migratory insects visiting Japan, and quite often becoming established in Japan, are not interesting from a faunal viewpoint, but they include very common insects and a number of extremely serious pests to Japanese agriculture.

Natural Habitats of Insects

   In order to briefly study the natural habitats of Japanese insects we shall consider the above-mentioned insects as examples. As an example of low mountain insects we have the two Luehdorfila betterflies whose larvae are exclusively limited to Asarum plants (Aristoro-chiaceae). As lowland or plain insects we have Terpnosia vacua, Sasaki charonda, and many others. As for aquatic insects, the larvae of Epiophlebia superstes dwell in mountain cascades, the larvae of Tany-ptery pryeri dwell in valleys with seepage water, and Luciola cruciata lives in clear running water on hillsides. Lethocerus deyrollei dwells in old lowland ponds and Nannophya pygmaea is confined to sphagnum swamps.

   These insects which we have selected as examples can be treated as “index-species”, representing each particular environmental condition. In other words the existence of any of these insect species indicates the presence of a particular natural environment.

   The butterfly species here mentioned tell of the presence of particular food-plants and their surrounding environment; aquatic dragonfly larvae, water-bugs, and firefly larvae denote respective limnological conditions. The subterranean Grylloblatids will be an indicator of a particular terrestrial constitution.

   It should not be forget, however, that these insect species are basically subject to internal control, which may be influenced by environmental factors including the pressure of competitors.

 (Shojiro Asahina)

