要      約












The nation-wide breeding bird survey, contracted by the Japan Environmental Agency, was conducted by the Wild Bird Society of Japan in 1978. All 47 provinces were covered except some remote islands. Included in the count were 257 species of birds including 13 exotic ones which are conceivably or certainly known to breed in Japan.

The field survey took place in 2,225 survey units, each unit covering a 1/4 section of the 1/25,000 topography maps published by the Geographical Survey, Institute of Ministry of Construction. They were selected at random within areas of greater variety of bird life, and counts were made by 986 obserbers in the following manner: Thirty minute stop counts were made at the beginning and end of each route interspersed with a roadside count while walking from one end of the route to the other. All birds seen or heard were counted and recorded by species along with any bird behavior particularly associated with breeding and brief descriptions of the habitats along the route. Since the primary aim of this survey is to map the breeding range for each species recorded, emphasis was placed on the collection of breeding data. The data obtained in the field in 1978 were supplemented by a literature survey collecting as much breeding data as possible for the 1974-78 period.

Recorded as A, B, or C rank in the survey were 205 species, of which 188 species are confirmed breeders (A rank), 11 are probable breeders (B rank), and 6 are possible breeders (C rank). An additional 27 species are possibly non-breeders (D rank) and nothing was reported on 25 species (E and F ranks) out of possible 257 species. A part of this reason lies in the fact that no field survey was conducted due to inaccessibility despite the known breeding habitat. Of the 205 species counted, 14 are classed as special species requiring strict protection. In addition to the 205 species, the Indian Cuckoo Cuculus and American Wood Duck Aix sponsa were reported as probable and confirmed breeder respectively. Their status as regular breeders in Japan seems debatable.

All field data were transferred to magnetic tape for computer tabulation and range map production. The range maps consist of overlay quadrants which represent the Geographical Survey maps, scale 1/50,000, encompassing 16 of the survey units. The breeding rank given for each species found in a given quadrant was assigned on the basis of the observed behavior and the reports in the literature covering that quadrant. The highest ranking found in any of the data sources was assigned to each species in the quadrant. The highest rank thus selected is marked on the map by large, medium or small dot denoting A, B, or C rank respectively. An A rank means that breeding is confirmed by one or more facts directly associated with breeding activities; B rank, the breeding is not confirmed but probable because of observed activities related to breeding; and C rank, birds are recognized during breeding season in possible nesting habitat, but there is no judgement made as to breeding. A quadrant with no dot means that the field survey in at least two survey units and/or the literature survey in certain units were actually conducted but no evidence for A, B, or C ranking was recorded.

In this report, all 205 breeding maps are arranged according to the ornithological code as used in the 5th edition of the Check-List of Japanese Birds. The nation-wide result of the breeding rank is tabulated by survey units at the end of each species account.

Since the scope of the data collected for these maps covers only the last 5 years, obviously more data must be gathered and upgraded to obtain breeding distribution maps which reflect more precisely the actual field condition. Therefore, this survey is to be conducted in every 5 years starting in 1978.

